Sunday, December 13, 2009

A New Blog

Jaymie made a Blog just for me with the story of my Princess's life in it. I thought that was so sweet of her.

We got everything cleared up and I am doing a lot better today since she's been born. I went and visited her last night and that made me so happy. She's been grumpy lately I guess. I feel bad for her and wish she was happy. I held her for a long time and she even got a warm bottle of breast milk last night with all the good stuff in it. I was so happy she was able to get that! I want her to have all the anti-bodies she can get!!! I love her more than anything and wish she was still with me, but I am happy she will still be happy with her parents and am glad she has a mom and a dad. I still blame Matt for this and don't like him for it right now, but hopefully one day will be able to forgive him.

I asked my friend the other night if he thinks I will ever find a husband and he told me that I would, but it would probably take time because I have had a baby and that's hard to get used to. I was very annoyed because it's true. Yes, she's technically not mine, but I have still had a baby and that is weird. I think I should've just kept her and then it would be the same results from guys. I hate guys. I never want to date again!!

Here's the newest picture I have of her from last night. I need more... I hopefully will get a full cd of a ton of pictures of her.

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