Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Tomorrow is a day of happiness and sorrow all in one. Tomorrow Henslee will officially be Henslee L Maughan. It hurts, but is dim because of the joy I feel for her to have a mom and dad. She is so loved and they are so happy. I am so thankful for them to all be together at last. (Even if I am going to hurt). I decided that I am going to go and be at the court date with them. I want to see them happy and her happy. I am very excited, but sad at the same time. It's a happy sad. I love her very much and just wish she knew the love i felt for her. I wish she could love me back like I love her, but she will never because she has another mom who gets all that love. But that is what I want for her. I want her to have that mom that doesn't have to work and will be there for her every step of the way! Her father will always provide and scare away her boyfriends. That is exactly what I wanted for her!! :) I can't wait to see her tomorrow! I love the dress she is going to wear!!! I love her with ALL my heart and soul and hope for the best.

1 comment:

  1. Lindsey she is always going to love you! She will have such a great love for you once she is older. its tough sitting & waiting for her to grow up and actually know you but she will. Her mother isnt going to get all the love. Their will be a lot of it sent your way because you made such a sacrifice for her. Be strong Lady!
