Saturday, August 21, 2010


I am so gratefull for my open adoption!!!! This past week has been amazing!! I drove up to Utah with my boyfriend and one of the nights we stayed in Logan (Nibbley) with Henslee's gradparents! They are the mosdt amazing people ever! It was so fun getting to know their family and learning about Henslee's parents. I feel as if i am part of the family and am so gratful to them for ALL they do for me. I am SOOO spoiled!!! I know that Henslee will always be well taken care of and I know she is loved by SOOO many people. If it wasn't for an open adoption I would never have gotten to see that to the extent that I have. I'll post more pictures soon. She grows daily! I love her so much!

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate you blog & your honesty. I was wondering if you'd mind if I took some of your posts and turned it into part of a YW lesson. I want my laurels to hear words like, "Boys get the easy part. They get to go out and do whatever they want while the woman is stuck at home not doing anything because she's pregant!"

    I won't use your name or tell people where I got the info from .. unless you want me to direct people to you blog.

    Let me know if you are opposed, otherwise I'll assume it's OK with you for me to use some of your posts. My email is: princessbeckbug at gmail dot com & I'm Kris Barlow's daughter.
